1. Unirest UniRest is a collection of light weight HTTP Request Client Libraries for many languages including Node, Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, Objective C, .Net and Windows 8. It has support for GET, POST, PUT, UPDATE and DELETE operations.
2. JqmPhp jqmPhp is a open source package of PHP classes that allow the creation of HTML files for use with jQuery Mobile Framework. All classes in the jqmPhp package can be converted to string and printed with an echo function.
3. PhpFastCache phpFastCache is an open source high performing PHP caching library which makes your website runs smooth on any shared hosting. it has support for multiple caching methods such as apc, memcache, memcached, wincache, files, pdo and mpdo. It is the distributed object caching system which is intended for use…
See original article taken from here:
10 Useful PHP Libraries and Classes
Also published on Medium.
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