Tag: marketing

Redesigning Mary Meeker’s Ugly Internet Slideshow

Each year Mary Meeker delivers a signature State of the Internet speech with deep and comprehensive insights into the emerging shape of the digital world. It’s fascinating, penetrating, brilliant – and a crime against good design. If it weren’t for Meeker’s sharp analysis, eyes would glaze at the PowerPoint-style visual dross. So we asked the presentation designer Emiland De Cubber – who famously redesigned the NSA’s confoundingly ugly PRISM PowerPoint that was leaked by Edward Snowden last year – to rework Meeker’s slides and make them easier on the eyes. The Paris-based designer kept the serious look and feel and stuck with the shade of grayish green favored by Meeker, a partner at the Silicon Valley venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins …

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Redesigning Mary Meeker’s Ugly Internet Slideshow

How to Spot Your Competitor’s Most Engaging Content

Content is a hot topic in the business world today. Indeed, content marketing, done correctly, can be a very effective way to attract and retain clients, but the problem is more and more companies produce more and more content. It’s highly important to understand how to produce content that will engage your target audience, but is also vital to know what your competitors’ most engaging content is. To figure this out you don’t have to spend ages collecting and analyzing all that content, you can do things way easier and efficiently if you use the proper tools. The Importance of Knowing Which Type of Content Works At the end of the day, your content needs to convert readers into buyers. In order to …

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How to Spot Your Competitor’s Most Engaging Content

SMToolbox: Bringing Together SEO, Social and Content Marketing with gShift

It is clear there is a very strong and growing relationship between search and social. The future of SEO and social is also closely tied to content marketing, which we can see through terms such as social content, content SEO and social content marketing. This week in SMToolbox I take a look at gShift, a tool that embraces search, content marketing and social. Background The gShift SaaS platform collects and stores both social and search data, as the team recognized early on that to improve the performance of content you need to look at both elements. Currently they analyze data for over 10,000 brands and have over 350 agency clients across 22 countries. The aim of the gShift platform is to provide agencies and brand marketers with insights to help…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

SMToolbox: Bringing Together SEO, Social and Content Marketing with gShift

Silly Marketer, Title Tags Are for Robots!

Like all good marketers, we think carefully about our title tags before publishing new content. Then we just take that carefully crafted title and plop it into the OG tags for social shares, right?In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Jen Lopez explains why we need to put in a little more effort than that. Hey, Moz fans, welcome to yet another edition of Whiteboard Friday. I’m Jen Lopez, the Director of the Community here at Moz, and today I’m going to take you on a tale of two marketers.We have the SEO, right? We focus on making sure that the robots and that the spiders are crawling through our sites and can get to them. Then when we want things to show up in the SERPs, we …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Silly Marketer, Title Tags Are for Robots!

Using Video Content to Tell High-Emotion Stories: Nonprofit Marketing

In theory, videos should be one of a nonprofit marketer’s most powerful tools. No content on the web today has the same viral potential of video, and few forms of content can match it for immediacy. In the span of a few minutes, videos can transport audiences to the front lines of an organization to experience compelling stories by sight and sound the sort of up-close-and-personal impact that’s usually reserved for in-person meetings. As an added bonus, the potential audience for video content is virtually limitless, from conference attendees to readers of virtual annual reports to casual viewers on YouTube (the third most trafficked site on the internet today, behind Facebook and Google). But in practice, many nonprofits are still …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Using Video Content to Tell High-Emotion Stories: Nonprofit Marketing

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