Tag: data

How Did LeadPages go From 0 to 15,000 Customers in 12 Months?

Launched in January 2013, LeadPages has gained over 16,000 paying customers. Hitting a $3.5 million run rate the first nine months after launching, they are growing at about 20% month-over-month (compound growth). The tips and tactics Tim Paige, Conversion Educator at LeadPages, shares in this webinar are based on billions of data points and thousands of split tests. LeadPages processes about 3 million opt-ins per month and about 15 million page views per month. They store billions of data points. But how did LeadPages go from 0 to 15,000 customers in 12 months? In the webinar, Paige shares the following tips: Create a Lot of Opt-in Opportunities (Webinars, Free Reports, Live Demos, etc.) When LeadPages was created, Paige said the founders didn’t start by building a product. Instead, …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How Did LeadPages go From 0 to 15,000 Customers in 12 Months?

Also published on Medium.

4 reasons why Spark could jolt Hadoop into hyperdrive

Apache Spark has been winning over users since it was developed at the University of California, Berkekey, AMPLab in 2009, but it has taken on a whole new level of popularity in the last year. All of the major Hadoop distributions now support it, it’s a top-level Apache Software Foundation project and there’s a startup, called Databricks, dedicated to productizing, supporting and certifying Spark. Matei Zaharia, one of the creators of Spark and the co-founder and CTO of Databricks, came on the Structure Show podcast this week to talk about what Spark is and why people love it so much. Here are the highlights of that interview, but anyone interested in the history and capabilities of Spark, or where the big data industry might …

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4 reasons why Spark could jolt Hadoop into hyperdrive

How WordPress Could Power the New York Times

Last week, the New York Times gave us an inside look at their custom CMS, Scoop. Though a few NYTimes blogs run on WordPress, the main site is managed by a fairly massive custom effort. It got me thinking about how far WordPress has come in terms of managing complex websites and applications, and all of the work that still needs to be done. Data Management One of the major advantages of Scoop was its ability to store content and data in meaningful ways. This includes the basics like a robust tagging hierarchy but also the ability to store all of the drafts of every post. This allows the NYTimes editors to output their content however they want, from arranging post drafts like Microsoft Word’s…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How WordPress Could Power the New York Times

Web Profiler in Drupal 8

Profiling your site is extremely useful not only for debugging and performance testing but also for learning about how your site handles requests. Symfony 2 comes with a bundle (like a Drupal module but for Symfony) called WebProfiler Bundle which collects information about each request made to your application and allows you to visualize it in the browser. Drupal 8 doesn’t include the Web Profiler bundle in core. However, there already is a contrib module for it. Make sure to install any dependencies before enabling the module. The module will render a fixed bar at the bottom of each page for users with the View webprofiler toolbar permission. The bar provides a summary of the collected data from the profiler. By clicking on any of the items, you …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Web Profiler in Drupal 8

Web Scraping: Getting Data from Awfully Complex Websites

Intro In this article, you will learn about some tools for scraping and parsing data from websites with Ruby, Capybara, Nokogiri, Firefox, and PhantomJS. We will then try out a script that does site scraping by launching a separate web browser. Next up, we’ll launch a headless browser to do the same thing. Finally, we’ll wrap it up in a server side sinatra app for Heroku. Challenge Find active health professionals teaching recent classes Practice scrapping data from websites Search by studio ID on MindBody Online Prereqs Command Line Script using an automated browser instance Let’s check out Kali Yoga Studio in Columbia Heights. We want to see classes that are posted and click on….

Original Article Can be Found Here:

Web Scraping: Getting Data from Awfully Complex Websites

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