Tag: business

53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility

I don’t know about you, but when I started freelancing as a writer, I made a ton of mistakes. And by “a ton,” I mean everything I did was pretty much a disaster. Thankfully, you can fix mistakes. And contrary to popular belief, making mistakes is a good thing – provided you learn from them. But if you’re thinking, “Great! As long as I learn from my mistakes, it’s all good,” I have to tell you something – and you won’t like it. You may not even know you’re making a mistake. And that part can hurt your freelance business. You were too busy to notice (now you’re not) There you are, happily working your behind off…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility

Want Help With Your Freelance Business Management? Try Motiv (sponsored)

Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 – Learn More or Buy Now In this day and age, one thing that every business professional complains about is time. Time is of the essence, and markets are flooding with many time management apps and software. Now, of course different apps are suited for different people, and are intended for different purposes. But if you are a freelancer and are looking for an app to help speed up your work, then we have a recommendation for you. You should try out Motiv. Motiv’s aim is to provide services for freelancers and people who run small businesses within the creative industries. Writers, designers, coders, programmers, search engine optimizers and marketers can all benefit from a system that has been …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Want Help With Your Freelance Business Management? Try Motiv (sponsored)

Why Turning Services into Products is Good for Business AND Customers

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Lynn Serafinn explains how and why business owners can make more money and provide more value to clients (and themselves) by turning services into products. While many of my clients are authors, they also tend to be what I call “service providers” – coaches, counsellors, mentors, consultants, therapists, and various kinds of practitioners. The services they offer enhance their clients’ and customers’ business, health, personal and professional life, and even spiritual life. While all of these services have great value to those who use them, it is my experience that many business owners who offer such services find it difficult to market themselves and flog their wares to the public. I touch upon this subject towards…

See original article taken from here:

Why Turning Services into Products is Good for Business AND Customers

Average Environments Beget Average Work

David wrote this on Jul 28 2008

Grady Booch delivered the following axiom at BrainstormTECH last week: “The average work of the average worker is average”. At first, it sounded perfectly rational. But on second take, I got really bothered by this. It’s based on an assumption of bad, average, and good as being static attributes of a person that I find whole fully offensive and narrow minded. In my experience, we’re all capable of bad, average, and good work. I’ve certainly done bad work at times and plenty of average work. What I’ve realized is that the good and the exceptional work is at least as much about my environment as it is about me. Average environments begets average work. Good people…

See original article taken from here:

Average environments beget average work

Rocki Transforms Old Speakers Into Smartphone-Ready Audio Devices

The Rocki helps transform old speakers into smartphone-connected devices.By Adario Strange2014-04-23 02:00:03

It looks like a rock and it turns any normal speaker into a wireless speaker, but the Rocki is more practical tool than cute gimmick. The Rocki was originally launched as a Kickstarter project back in November. Its developers were only looking to raise $50,000, but eventually came away with well over $200,000 in contributions. The device, which looks like a tiny piece of modern art, can be plugged into any standard speaker with 3.5mm or RCA audio ports and then connected to your smartphone, tablet or PC via Wi-Fi. This means that even that old stereo component set your parents have been storing up in the attic for decades can be …

See original article taken from here:

Rocki Transforms Old Speakers Into Smartphone-Ready Audio Devices

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