Category: Technology

Chrome DevTools Features You May Have Missed

In 2013, I posted a few tutorials on DevTools: Markup and Style, Networking and the Console and JavaScript and Performance, covering the basic features of the various DevTools panels. Since then, a lot has changed, so let’s take a look. Tl;dr DevTools has grown quite a bit since it was last covered on Tuts+, here are some of the features you’ll want to be aware of: Screencasting: view and interact with web pages on your Android device via DevTools on the desktop. Workspaces: use the Sources panel as a code editor. Edit code in your project and have that persist to disk. Source Map debugging: writing LESS/Sass or even CoffeeScript? Output Source Maps during compilation to have DevTools understand the mapping. *Flame Chart: *view an interactive …

See original article taken from here:

Chrome DevTools Features You May Have Missed

Also published on Medium.

WordPress Code Reference is Now Live

Siobhan McKeown announced that the first version of the WordPress Code Reference is now live. It’s still in the very early stages of development but is now out in the wild so that people can help contribute. Go try it out to see how easy it is to search the WordPress code base. The reference was created as part of the devhub project to make it easy for developers to find more information about WordPress functions, classes, methods, hooks, and filters. After a few quick searches, I found that the search function is actually quite forgiving and will return results that are similar to what you were looking for, even if you spell it wrong. How can you help improve the reference? McKeown said that current…

See original article taken from here:

WordPress Code Reference is Now Live

Create a Responsive CSS3 Paper Fold Effect

Tweet Author: Steve Jenkins 24th April 2014 Create a responsive CSS3 paper fold effect embedded content Make use of CSS3 features such as box-shadows and background gradients to create this engaging effect. There are so many remarkable and exciting things that we designers can achieve on the web today, whether it’s using the pillars of the web HTML5, CSS3 and good old jQuery, or more modern frameworks and technologies, development just never seems to ease up. Better yet, there are sure to be even more remarkable and exciting things to look forward to experimenting with in the near future. Still, even among all of these great technologies, it is worth remembering that we must also make use of the more subtle elements available to us, even…

See original article taken from here:

Create a responsive CSS3 paper fold effect

Raspberry Pi Clones Match the Connectors, But Boost the Firepower

Ever since the Raspberry Pi burst onto the scene in 2012, open source hardware projects have been promoting their Linux-ready hacker boards as offering faster, more capable alternatives. Considering the Pi’s 700MHz ARM11 processor and relatively modest feature set, that’s not such a stretch, but matching the $35 price is another story. If you can’t match the price, what you really need to get the attention of Pi-lovers looking for a bit more oomph is to look and act like a Pi. That’s the strategy of two new Raspberry Pi clones:’s Banana Pi and SolidRun’s HummingBoard. The two SBCs closely approximate the size, I/O, and port placement of the RasPi. They also provide identical 26-pin expansion headers to support RasPi add-on modules. …

See original article taken from here:

Raspberry Pi Clones Match the Connectors, But Boost the Firepower

SEO Today – A Brief Overview Infographic

What do penguins, pandas and hummingbirds remind you of? If you own a blog or a website, these are the “animal” updates to Google’s algorithm that help mold the state of content you see online today. So much can be said in regards to SEO that you’d probably be able to fill countless books with the information available. IDF Marketing has produced an infographic that touches briefly on the ever-evolving state of SEO today. Check out the influence On Site Factors, the strength of your Content, Outreach and Social Signals have on your site’s SEO. Should you go with video instead of articles? What about infographics instead of blog posts to secure high ranking and/or higher traffic? Find out about this and…

See original article taken from here:

SEO Today – A Brief Overview Infographic

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