Category: Technology

How to copy iOS 8’s Continuity Using Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1

When Microsoft announced and launched the original version of Windows Phone, industry insiders had no idea that the operating system would inspire changes across the entire company. It was Windows Phone that brought the flat colorful tiles and gradient-less interface to the masses. It was Windows Phone that first included effortless cloud syncing with SkyDrive. Windows Phone has had such an impact on Microsoft’s software and services that the team in charge of creating Windows Phone now oversees the team that manages Windows. As of late, the synergy between Windows and Windows Phone has started to show some very unique results. Today, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 users can have their Internet Explorer favorites, passwords and accent colors sync across their phone, tablet and desktop PC. …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How to copy iOS 8’s Continuity Using Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1

Statistical De-Obfuscation & De-Minification

JS Nice makes even obfuscated JavaScript code readable. It is a new kind of statistical de-obfuscation and de-minification engine for JavaScript. Given a JavaScript program, JSNice automatically suggests new likely identifier names and types. JSNice uses advanced machine learning and program analysis techniques to learn name and type regularities from large amounts of available open source projects. Then, given new JavaScript code, JSNice probabilistically infers newly suggested names and types for all of the local variables and function parameters. Requirements: -Demo: License Free 0 Comments

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Statistical De-Obfuscation & De-Minification

Why You Don’t See “World Cup” Ads On Google

A Google Trends chart shows the huge spikes in search volume for “World Cup” in the years the tournament is held. Google is on the cusp of a search volume siege from soccer (aka football) fans as the 2014 FIFA World Cup nears. A look at Google Trends data shows we’re on the upswing what Google can expect when the tournament starts on June 12, based on the volumes the last two times the World Cup was held, in 2006 and 2010. What may surprise you is the search results from all this World Cup interest will be largely free of ads on FIFA, the organization that puts on the World Cup every four years, has trademark or intellectual property protection on terms including World…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Why You Don’t See “World Cup” Ads On Google

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