Poor eBay – They’re having a pretty bad day. Thanks to Google’s roll-out of Panda 4.0 and the Payday Loan 2.0 update, eBay is suffering a massive loss in organic traffic and rankings. Adding insult to injury, they had to ask all users to change their passwords after a database hack. Matt Cutts kicked off the SEO hysteria yesterday as he often does, with a tweet: First released in 2011, Panda is a component of the organic search ranking algorithm designed to weed out low-quality sites, or those with “thin content.” In its initial release, Panda affected approximately 12% of all search queries by March 2013, Google had refreshed Panda 25 times, making it a constant source of aggravation in SEO circles. This update is particularly worrisome …

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eBay Just Lost 80% of its Organic Rankings: Here’s Why