Tag: YouTube

How to Make Your Videos Rank Better on YouTube

Here are some tips and tricks for earning a higher ranking for your video on YouTube, including optimizing video tags and encouraging comments. With 200,000 videos uploaded per day, more than 600 years required to view all those videos, more than 100 million videos watched daily, and more than 300 million existing accounts, if you think YouTube might not be an effective distribution channel to reach prospective customers, think again. Yes, understanding YouTube can be a little complicated as compared to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even Tumblr, when it comes to generating engagement, but YouTube marketing is worth all the efforts. YouTube is the third most popular site in the world and the second most popular search engine after Google. So you can see why it is important to optimize your …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How to Make Your Videos Rank Better on YouTube

Vimeo Bobs & Weaves As Flack Flies Over Copyright Match Announcement

A major video hosting service is about to implement a copyright matching system that will block any video it deems unfit. The sites loyal users are angry. Sound familiar? Last time, it was YouTube. This time it’s Vimeo and both times people had a point. Here’s where I always have to say, I’m totally against theft. I believe people shouldn’t use other people’s work without their permission. (Photo: brainloc from rgbstock) However, determining what’s infringing and what isn’t is a complicated thing and not something a piece of software can determine with a simple audio match. For Vimeo, it’s even more complicated because pros often use the site to house work for review by a client. These videos are…

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Vimeo bobs and weaves as flack flies over copyright match announcement

Using Video Content to Tell High-Emotion Stories: Nonprofit Marketing

In theory, videos should be one of a nonprofit marketer’s most powerful tools. No content on the web today has the same viral potential of video, and few forms of content can match it for immediacy. In the span of a few minutes, videos can transport audiences to the front lines of an organization to experience compelling stories by sight and sound the sort of up-close-and-personal impact that’s usually reserved for in-person meetings. As an added bonus, the potential audience for video content is virtually limitless, from conference attendees to readers of virtual annual reports to casual viewers on YouTube (the third most trafficked site on the internet today, behind Facebook and Google). But in practice, many nonprofits are still …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Using Video Content to Tell High-Emotion Stories: Nonprofit Marketing

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