Tag: wp-config

New wp-config Tweaks You Probably Don’t Know

The wp-config.php file: One of the most loved WordPress feature for some, one of the worst nightmares for others. There are countless tips and tricks in a plethora of articles, and you can’t get enough of them; however, this article is aiming to be different. In this article, we’re going to get familiar with eight new wp-config tricks that are less known than functionality such as turning off post revisions, increasing the memory limit, or other similar features. Don’t forget to backup your installation! The tips in this article do not change any database values nor do they play with any files (except wp-config.php, of course) so you can just download a copy of your wp-config.php file, but you can …

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New wp-config Tweaks You Probably Don’t Know

Ten Dynamic WordPress Snippets for WP-Config.php

Ten Dynamic WordPress Snippets for WP-Config.php By: Kevin Muldoon on April 15, 2014 0 4

WordPress Resources The wp-config.php file is arguably the most important file in the WordPress core as it contains the connection details for your database. Anyone who has installed WordPress manually will know that the file is also used to define your database prefix, your authentication keys, and WordPress’s default language. Wp-config.php can be used to modify WordPress in many more ways. By default, WordPress is configured to do things in a specific way. The wp-config.php file allows you to change these default settings so that your website is tailored to your own needs. In this article, I would like to share with you ten useful…

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Ten Dynamic WordPress Snippets for WP-Config.php

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