Tag: web design

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

May 21 2014 By Ioanni Mitsakis Posted in CSS3 Advertisement

It is almost a year ago, that Christian Pucci from Italy introduced his stylesheet-project Magic.css. Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects. Last year, Christian, better known as miniMac, had only a handful of effects to show. Up until today, this number has grown to 55. All the effects come in a single stylesheet, prefixed for all modern browsers. Magic.css is published under the terms of the MIT license, and can be used freely. Magic.css: Lots of Motion on Your Website CSS3 animations are coming, but not really there yet. Only a few days ago, we introduced you to a comprehensive beginners’ pocket guide to CSS3 animations. Consider reading it, if you want …

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Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

50 Mind blowing examples of parallax website designs

One of the hottest web design trends at the moment is parallax scrolling, which is becoming more commonly used by web designers. Its makes it an exciting way to navigate a web page, and can bring the most simplest design to life with smooth slick scrolling transitions. This is a web design trend, which i can seem gaining more and more popularity over the months to come. This blog post is a showcase of the very best parallax websites design. This is an inspiration blog post to show you possibilities of what can be achieved using this technique, and to inspire you to create your very own parallax we pages. I hope you enjoy this inspirational blog post, and I would love to hear your thoughts in…

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50 Mind blowing examples of parallax website designs

Quick Tip: How to Use HTML5 “Picture” for Responsive Images – Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial

Images are notoriously one of the most challenging aspects of responsive web design. Today we’ll look at how the “picture” element, a solution to the problem of responsive images, can be used right now. First, the Problem The days of fixed-width, pixel perfect website design are well and truly behind us. In the present day of widescreen monitors, internet TVs, multiple sized tablets and smart phones our designs now have to cater for everything from 320px wide up to potentially as high as 7680px wide. Along with this multi-resolution landscape comes a need for images to stretch or shrink to fit these wildly varying requirements. This can prove to be something of a problem given that, with the exception of vector graphics, the vast …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Quick Tip: How to Use HTML5 “picture” for Responsive Images – Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial

The Designer’s Guide to Working with SVG

By Gwen Vanhee

What’s the big deal about SVG, anyway? Don’t you just hit “Save as SVG” in Illustrator, and you’ve got yourself an SVG? Yes and no. While it’s technically true, by the same logic, every MS Word user is technically a web developer. Perhaps the question to ask is: Is that SVG file any more useful than an equivalent PNG or JPG? Often the generated SVG files we get from graphics apps are not actually very much use outside the application that made it. The real power of SVG becomes clearer when you’ve got a readable, manipulable document and not a dense, arcane document ejected from a graphics app. Today, I want to give you a speed guide…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

The Designer’s Guide to Working with SVG

404 Page Designs – 32 Fresh Error Pages Examples

The design of 404 error pages is the part of website. Mostly 404 error pages design are really cool and innovative to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. In this post we’re rounded up new 404 page designs examples for inspiration. Many web designers take time to build a custom 404 page design, that helps keep visitors on your website, perhaps suggesting alternative content or simply keeping them amused in the face of an error. You may be interested in the following modern related articles as well. New Amazing Digital Photo Manipulation Tutorials 16 New Free Fonts for Graphic Designers New Modern Style Responsive WordPress Themes Fresh Web UI Design Elements & PSD UI Kits for Designers Please feel free to join us follow on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for updates…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

404 Page Designs – 32 Fresh Error Pages Examples

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