On Episode 60 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with security expert Adriel Desautels, founder and CEO of Netragard, about the farce of cybersecurity!

Hacking the Future of Business!
On Episode 60 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with security expert Adriel Desautels, founder and CEO of Netragard, about the farce of cybersecurity!
On Episode 23 of the Edge of Innovation, we discuss various topics such as data mining, new WordPress features, social selling, ReactJS and OpenStreetMap.
Share This article With a simple registry hack, you can net yourself five more years of official Microsoft updates for your aging Windows XP machine. Microsoft, though, says you really shouldn’t do it, and that you ought to be a good little boy and upgrade to a more modern operating system instead. Read on, to find out how to enable the Windows XP updates and whether you should do it or not. The whole Windows XP retirement is becoming a bit of a farce. Microsoft technically ended support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. But if you were a big company or government with lots of money, Microsoft offered to continue supporting your XP machines and then, when a zero-day vulnerability was…
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Windows XP rises from the grave: Simple hack gives you five more years of updates
Microsoft’s official support for the Windows XP operating system ended more than a month ago. While some companies and organizations are still receiving updates for the operating system, end users do not. These companies pay Microsoft for that, usually because they were not able or willed to migrate computer’s running Windows XP to another operating system before the extended support phase for the system ended. There is another exception to the end of support rule: Windows Embedded Industry, formerly known as Windows Embedded POSReady, operating systems continue to receive updates. What makes this interesting is the fact that Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 is based on Windows XP Service Pack 3, and that the security updates released for that system are identical with the ones that Microsoft would have released …
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Checkmarx Heartbleed Vaccination Now Available – Posted by Sharon Solomon on Tue, April 29, 2014 @ 04:43 PM
Checkmarx has now released an update that scans your application source code for the Heartbleed-vulnerable library code. The Heartbleed vulnerability had affected almost half a million secure web servers, certified by trusted authorities, by the time it was exposed. The bad news is that the problem still exists. More than 2% of the Alexa world top 1,000,000 websites are still susceptible to attack.
All You Wanted to Know About the Heartbleed Vulnerability
Heartbleed is a bug in the basic implementation of open-source OpenSSL Checkmarx CTO Maty Siman told reporters after the bug was exposed. Many security problems, like Heartbleed, can be traced to the original code written by …
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