Tag: Twitter

Everything You Need to Know About Social Network Ello

You’ve probably seen it pop up in your Facebook feed. Or maybe someone on Twitter linked to their account. The entire internet is alive with talk of Ello, the anti-Facebook social network. An anti-Facebook sounds pretty cool right? But what exactly does that mean? And is it worth your time and effort to start using yet another social network. Remember when we all thought Path was going to be the next big thing? Let me break it down for you. No Ads and No Data Mining “Ello is a simple, beautiful, and ad-free social network created by a small group of artists and designers,” is how the creators from graphic design studio Berger & Föhr describe the network. It sounds …

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Everything You Need to Know About Social Network Ello

Publish WordPress Posts to LinkedIn Automatically: 5 Plugins

June 25th in WordPress Plugins by WordPress Jedi .

LinkedIn is truly an under-appreciated social network. With Google+, Twitter, and Facebook getting all the attention these days, smart marketers can’t afford not to focus on LinkedIn marketing. You need a real content marketing strategy to succeed on that site. Sharing your best articles to LinkedIn is not a bad idea either. These 5 LinkedIn auto-poster plugins can do the job: WP Pipes: allows you to auto post to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can create as many pipes as you like. NextScripts: automatically publishes your posts from your blog to your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social profiles. The pro version offers scheduled and delayed posting. Microblog Poster: another plugin that lets you update your …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Publish WordPress Posts to LinkedIn Automatically: 5 Plugins

Google’s Checklist on How to Build the Best Keyword List for Your Business!

Google AdWords has released a checklist for digital marketers to help them draw the maximum out of their keywords. This checklist is a part of the larger document – Keywords to the Wise – which aims at increasing demand with some smart keyword strategies. AdWords posted a link to the same document via Twitter yesterday. Here’s the checklist for keyword and targeting: Your keywords should reflect the different types of queries that users type when they are searching for something you offer. Make sure that your keywords and their management are in alignment with the objectives of your business. Delete those keywords which no longer drive traffic to your website. Use broad match to capture long tail queries, reserve exact match for your primary volume and value …

Read Original Article Here:

Google’s Checklist on How to Build the Best Keyword List for Your Business!

Also published on Medium.

Making Your Own Mobile App is Now Super Quick and Easy

Look, making an app that will run on your iPhone is hard. Luckily, adsy.me just made it chimp simple for normal folks like you or I to make a mobile app right on your iOS, Android or computer. You don’t need to download anything, learn to code, or even leave your touchscreen. Make an app to show off your disco band, complete with links to Soundcloud, or share recipes with your friends, linking them to your favorite chef sites. Explain your passion project and connect your Twitter followers to a wealth of knowledge that you can curate on your very own mobile app. Seriously, if you want to make a mobile app and have no clue about C++ or Xcode compilers or other such fooferaw…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Making your own mobile app is now super quick and easy

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