On Episode 20 of the Edge of Innovation, we discuss the psychology of design with researcher and author Victor Yocco. Learn more about Victor and his new book Design for the Mind, here: http://www.victoryocco.com/

Hacking the Future of Business!
On Episode 20 of the Edge of Innovation, we discuss the psychology of design with researcher and author Victor Yocco. Learn more about Victor and his new book Design for the Mind, here: http://www.victoryocco.com/
If you’re a programmer and you don’t have visualization as one of your main tools in your belt, then good news, you just found how to easily improve your skill set. Really it should be taught in any programming course. Note: This post won’t get you from zero to visualization expert, but hopefully it can pique your curiosity and will provide plenty of references for further study. Visualizing data has two main advantages compared to looking at the same data in a tabular form. The first is that we can pack more data in a graph that we can get by looking at numbers on screen, even more if we make our visualizations interactive, allowing explorations inside a data set. Our visual bandwidth is massive! This is …
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Stuff that every programmer should know: Data Visualization
Also published on Medium.
Link building is nowhere near dead, and some of the best link opportunities can be discovered by setting up email alerts for various things that are published on the web. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand runs through eight specific types of alerts that you can implement today for improved SEO. Howdy Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today we’re going to chat about email alerts and using them to help with some of your SEO efforts, specifically content identification, competitive intelligence, some keyword research, and, of course, a lot of link building because email alerts are just fantastic for this. Now here’s what we’ve got going on. There are a number of tools that you can use to do email alerts. Obviously, Google …
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How We Supercharged Our User Testing Using Mechanical Turk, Google Forms and Usability Hub. When working with startups we are often treading new ground on new products and it is important to begin validating assumptions early and often. It also helps to have some data to back up our design decisions when presenting them to stakeholders. We’ve been experimenting with different methods for getting rapid user feedback and we’d like to share some of our explorations. We started out by researching the existing solutions on the market. There are a number of online tools available for remote user testing, and in fact there are enough choices that it can be a little hard to decide between them. So to narrow it down we had to …
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People who work in the creative industry, for instance, web design and photography etc., need to send out their resumes quite often and frequently. If you fall under the category of “creativity”, the fact is that resumes made in a Word Processor are no longer good enough. People these days, are being as creative as they can in order to show their skills before the interview can even begin. If you have a potential employer, you will need to come up with something that is unique, and instantly catches the attention of the said employer. Let’s face it, many a times what happens is that your potential employer does not even look at your resume and discards it. That needs to change, and you will …
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