Tag: space

Photograph of the Milky Way Taken Out the Window of an Airplane Above the Atlantic

One of the standard cliche Instagram shots that gets ridiculed on occasion is the plane wing photographs, usually accompanied by some clouds or a sunrise or sunset. And while we agree that taking a photo out the window of your commercial airplane is tacky and overdone, the photo above by astrophotographer Alessandro Merga is a big fat beautiful exception. The impressive image was captured on June 7th during a transatlantic flight from New York City to London while Merga’s flight was somewhere over the vast expanse of water we call the Atlantic ocean. On the one hand, this seems like the most logical place to take a beautiful milky way photo: you’re about 36,000 feet in the air and there’s practically no light pollution. But…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Photograph of the Milky Way Taken Out the Window of an Airplane Above the Atlantic

After Decades of Silence, a Vintage Spacecraft Says Hello to Earth

Posted by Jason Davis 06-06-2014

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A group of space enthusiasts and vintage hardware experts walk into a radio observatory. They contact a 36-year-old spacecraft to ask how it’s doing. The spacecraft responds and says it’s well. The group leaves and continues to stay in touch with the spacecraft from their laptops, working out of an old McDonald’s building at the NASA Ames Research Center. It’s no joke – that’s the latest news coming from the ISEE-3 Reboot Project, a crowdfunded effort to repurpose NASA’s International Sun-Earth Explorer (ISEE-3), launched in 1978 on a mission to study Earth’s magnetosphere. In 1983, ISEE was sent on a …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

After decades of silence, a vintage spacecraft says hello to Earth

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