Tag: software

12 (Mostly Free) Web Tools for Entrepreneurs

Of the infinite resources available on the Internet, there is still nothing better than free. So in light of Independence Day and the sense of freedom it exudes, below are 12 (mostly) free tools that can help build your business: 1. 1M/1M offers access to the extensive startup network and collective knowledge in Silicon Valley to entrepreneurs everywhere. I know, crazy. But this is a truly interesting source for “starter uppers” to talk about branding, positioning, financing or anything else entrepreneurial. Related: The Best Software Tools to Run a Startup 2. Want to merge your brand into the social networks within your industry? Instead of searching the hundreds of thousands of Twitter hashtags, newswhip.com does that for you. This site aggregates the overwhelming volume of topical discussions …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

12 (Mostly Free) Web Tools for Entrepreneurs

Also published on Medium.

10 Free CAD Software You Can Download

CAD software is a must-have tool to have in most enterprises to reduce fatal flaws in design that may show up during production. If you’re in the industry that relies a lot on CAD tools, you probably already know that getting a good CAD software can be quite costly. And if you are a student who is just starting to dip your toes into CAD software, this will definitely be a problem. There is however a second option: free alternative CAD software. We have done the legwork and looked for the 10 CAD software that you can try for free now to design your next 2D drawing or 3D modeling project. Here are but just 10 of these software, and the links to download them for whichever …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

10 Free CAD Software You Can Download

Supreme Court rules software patents that cover ‘abstract ideas’ are invalid

Software patents aren’t dead, but they just took a blow. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that a series of banking patents didn’t cover a concrete software process but an abstract idea, throwing them out and potentially setting a stricter precedent for future patents. Alice Corp. and CLS Bank are both major financial institutions, and they’ve been sparring for years in court. The issue is a series of patents that cover a kind of electronic escrow or “intermediated settlement,” where a third party holds the real money while “shadow” balances are shown to both sides during trading. In order to preempt a threat from Alice, which held those patents, CLS asked for a court to declare them invalid, saying that the basic idea…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Supreme Court rules software patents that cover ‘abstract ideas’ are invalid

Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

Ginger Software, an Isreali startup that focuses on language enhancement software, has released mobile, Windows and Web apps designed to make it easier to write English correctly. Available today, the Chrome extension, desktop download and mobile apps (Android and iOS) go beyond in-line spell checking to provide users with tools for instantly rephrasing certain words and options for contextual synonyms, translations or definitions – all of which can be very useful, even if English is your first language. In addition to providing these tools out-of-the-box, the company said its software can also learn a user’s writing style and modify suggestions and corrections to accommodate individual style. For the Windows app and Chrome extension, all you need to do is install the …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

Are Hollow Icons Really Harder to Recognize Than Solid Icons? A Research Study

Last summer software designer Aubrey Johnson published a post on Medium with a specific critique of Apple’s brand new mobile operating system, iOS7. Johnson suggested that Apple’s new “hollow” icons, being more visually complex than “solid” icons, create cognitive fatigue for users that will eventually lead them to tire of the interface and stop using it. The timely, bite-sized post was shared and discussed widely, with some designers affirming it as sensible advice and others criticizing it as overblown, oversimplified, and lacking valid evidence. An example of solid and hollow icons in the tab bar of an app in Apple’s iOS7. The selected icon, Top Charts, uses a filled-in “solid” style. The unselected icons use an outlined “hollow” style. As …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Are Hollow Icons Really Harder to Recognize Than Solid Icons? A Research Study

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