Tag: social networking

Everything You Need to Know About Social Network Ello

You’ve probably seen it pop up in your Facebook feed. Or maybe someone on Twitter linked to their account. The entire internet is alive with talk of Ello, the anti-Facebook social network. An anti-Facebook sounds pretty cool right? But what exactly does that mean? And is it worth your time and effort to start using yet another social network. Remember when we all thought Path was going to be the next big thing? Let me break it down for you. No Ads and No Data Mining “Ello is a simple, beautiful, and ad-free social network created by a small group of artists and designers,” is how the creators from graphic design studio Berger & Föhr describe the network. It sounds …

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Everything You Need to Know About Social Network Ello

Apple Might Finally Solve Photo Storage Hell

Brenden Mulligan is a co-founder and designer at Cluster, a web and mobile app which enables users to create private social networks around interests and experiences. We take a bazillion photos with our phones and digital cameras. The digital images mostly just sit, clogging up our hard drive(s). This has been a problem for as long as digital photography has existed and it’s getting worse. Camera resolutions are getting bigger and with it, the file sizes of our digital photos are growing. Although many companies have taken a crack at this problem, I think Apple’s upcoming iCloud Photo Library could be the perfect solution – if they do it right. Photo storage is still a mess I currently have a 100GB …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Apple Might Finally Solve Photo Storage Hell

How To Become A LinkedIn Jedi Master

Do you want to get noticed on LinkedIn? Are you wondering how to use LinkedIn to its fullest potential? LinkedIn is the top professional social media site that presents a world of networking opportunities.”LinkedIn might be for professionals, but at its heart it is still a SOCIAL network, and it’s core value lies in the relationships you build by connecting and engaging with other users. Whether you’re looking to get hired as an individual or business, LinkedIn can help you further your professional goals and establish yourself as a skilled and competent member of the workforce”. Says Jessica Rowe. The below infographic designed by Gryffin media takes a closer look at how to become a LinkedIn Jedi master. Some key takeaways: LinkedIn is about…

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How To Become A LinkedIn Jedi Master

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