Tag: resumes

10 Online Tools to Create Awesome Resumes

People who work in the creative industry, for instance, web design and photography etc., need to send out their resumes quite often and frequently. If you fall under the category of “creativity”, the fact is that resumes made in a Word Processor are no longer good enough. People these days, are being as creative as they can in order to show their skills before the interview can even begin. If you have a potential employer, you will need to come up with something that is unique, and instantly catches the attention of the said employer. Let’s face it, many a times what happens is that your potential employer does not even look at your resume and discards it. That needs to change, and you will …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

10 Online Tools to Create Awesome Resumes

How Recruiters Really Look at Your LinkedIn Profile and Online Resume

TheLadders conducted a study tracking the eye movements of recruiters when looking at resumes (online and off) and LinkedIn profiles. Besides revealing that recruiters only look at resumes for about six seconds, the study also points out the most important areas job seekers should focus on. Surprisingly, the thirty recruiters tracked over the ten-week study spent nearly a fifth of their time (19%) on a LinkedIn profile looking at the profile photo. Pitching its own candidate profiles, TheLadders points out that the photo gets more attention than more vital career information but the takeaway may actually be to make sure your LinkedIn photo is appropriate and professional. (AvidCareerist’s Donna Svei has some great LinkedIn photo tips here.) Secondly, your online resume gets the same…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How Recruiters Really Look at Your LinkedIn Profile and Online Resume

Google Revealed the Incredibly Simple Formula For Writing Killer Resumes

It’s not exactly E=mc². But for would-be job hunters, it’s probably a lot more useful. In a Q&A-style interview with Google’s senior vice president of people operations Laszlo Bock, The New York Times’s Tom Friedman fished a few seriously helpful words of wisdom out of the search giant’s human resources chief. This one is perhaps the most concrete. How do you write a good resume? The key, Bock said, is to frame your strengths as: I accomplished X, relative to Y, by doing Z. Most people would write a resume like this: “Wrote editorials for The New York Times.” Better would be to say: “Had 50 op-eds published compared…

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Google just revealed the incredibly simple formula for killer résumés – Quartz

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