Tag: prototypes

Creating Clickthrough Prototypes With Blueprint

Advertisement In a previous article1, I discussed using POP2 to create sketch-based clickthrough prototypes in participatory design exercises. These prototypes capture well the flow and overall layout of early design alternatives. The same piece briefly mentioned another category of clickthrough prototypes: widget-based mockups that are designed on the target device and that expand on sketches by introducing user interface (UI) details and increased visual fidelity. These prototypes can be used to pitch ideas to clients, document interactions and even test usability. In this article, I will teach you how to use the iPad app Blueprint to put together such prototypes in the form of concept demos, which help to manage a client’s expectations when you are aligning your visions of a product. Given the …

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Creating Clickthrough Prototypes With Blueprint

Just a Prototype Away from Fame and Fortune: ProtoHack brings a shellfish delivery app to life

I’ve had millions of ideas in my day. Most of them are terrible, but I’ve always lived with the frustration of not being able to realize them beyond mere conception. Sure, I could tell them to people, put that’s just air. I could write them down or try sketching them out, but that’s just chicken-scratch. I want something tangible to hold in my hands; something that functions; something aesthetically pleasing; something I can let others interact with. I am not a coder, developer, or hacker. I don’t know much about business plans or startups. I consider myself an above average user of Microsoft Word, but I don’t think I’ve ever been able to connect to a printer without major …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Just a Prototype Away from Fame and Fortune: ProtoHack brings a shellfish delivery app to life

This Algae Battery Could Power A Tesla With 200X The Charge

In a small lab, near a lake at the edge of West Berkeley, sits the prototype of what could revolutionize battery power as we know it. The secret to this power? Algae. OK, just hang with me here. Lots of research has already been done on algae’s possible power capabilities. Prototype creator Adam Freeman says this new kind of battery, the one he’s working on, could power even a Tesla. And he says it could do it 200X greater than the current lithium-based battery used today. He’s created a research company called alGAS that aims to prove just that. Freeman says the algae battery also charges faster and lasts longer than current ion batteries used in, say, your cell phone, iPad or a …

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This Algae Battery Could Power A Tesla With 200X The Charge

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