On episode 69 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with photographer Al Pereira about what it’s like to be a freelance photographer and run a photography store.

Hacking the Future of Business!
On episode 69 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with photographer Al Pereira about what it’s like to be a freelance photographer and run a photography store.
On episode 68 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with freelance photographer Al Pereira, about being an entrepreneur and running Advanced Photo, a photography store in North Reading, Massachusetts.
Brenden Mulligan is a co-founder and designer at Cluster, a web and mobile app which enables users to create private social networks around interests and experiences. We take a bazillion photos with our phones and digital cameras. The digital images mostly just sit, clogging up our hard drive(s). This has been a problem for as long as digital photography has existed and it’s getting worse. Camera resolutions are getting bigger and with it, the file sizes of our digital photos are growing. Although many companies have taken a crack at this problem, I think Apple’s upcoming iCloud Photo Library could be the perfect solution – if they do it right. Photo storage is still a mess I currently have a 100GB …
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One of the standard cliche Instagram shots that gets ridiculed on occasion is the plane wing photographs, usually accompanied by some clouds or a sunrise or sunset. And while we agree that taking a photo out the window of your commercial airplane is tacky and overdone, the photo above by astrophotographer Alessandro Merga is a big fat beautiful exception. The impressive image was captured on June 7th during a transatlantic flight from New York City to London while Merga’s flight was somewhere over the vast expanse of water we call the Atlantic ocean. On the one hand, this seems like the most logical place to take a beautiful milky way photo: you’re about 36,000 feet in the air and there’s practically no light pollution. But…
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Photograph of the Milky Way Taken Out the Window of an Airplane Above the Atlantic
TheLadders conducted a study tracking the eye movements of recruiters when looking at resumes (online and off) and LinkedIn profiles. Besides revealing that recruiters only look at resumes for about six seconds, the study also points out the most important areas job seekers should focus on. Surprisingly, the thirty recruiters tracked over the ten-week study spent nearly a fifth of their time (19%) on a LinkedIn profile looking at the profile photo. Pitching its own candidate profiles, TheLadders points out that the photo gets more attention than more vital career information but the takeaway may actually be to make sure your LinkedIn photo is appropriate and professional. (AvidCareerist’s Donna Svei has some great LinkedIn photo tips here.) Secondly, your online resume gets the same…
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How Recruiters Really Look at Your LinkedIn Profile and Online Resume