Tag: Outlook

Nothing to fear in MAPI over HTTP

Microsoft’s decision to move away from the time-honoured RPC interprocess connection mechanism and replace it with a new approach where Outlook clients can use a new protocol called MAPI over HTTP to connect to Exchange 2013 SP1 has caused a bit of fuss and bother. On reflection, this is a pretty normal situation in the technical sphere where, even though technologists might like to think of themselves as being open to change, transitions of this nature are sometimes unwelcome because of the fear, doubt, and uncertainty that the unknown generates. It wasn’t for nothing that IBM was famous for the ability of their salesforce to use FUD to influence customer discussions for years; so much so that buying the nice safe choice became a well-…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Nothing to fear in MAPI over HTTP

Also published on Medium.

Outlook.com Introduces the Most Sophisticated Rules in Webmail

When it comes to getting organized, Outlook.com has you covered. Starting today, we are releasing Advanced Rules and three other features, all to help you keep your inbox in top shape and make it even easier to see the email that matters to you. The average person has 184 emails in their inbox, and receives 28 emails each day.* This can be a lot to handle, so helping you get to the email you care about is one of our top priorities. Outlook.com already has a number of features to help you do this. For example, Sweep (one of our most popular) helps you quickly delete multiple unwanted emails. The following new features, which are rolling out today, build on our commitment to give your inbox …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Outlook.com introduces the most sophisticated rules in webmail

Also published on Medium.

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