Tag: language

Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

Ginger Software, an Isreali startup that focuses on language enhancement software, has released mobile, Windows and Web apps designed to make it easier to write English correctly. Available today, the Chrome extension, desktop download and mobile apps (Android and iOS) go beyond in-line spell checking to provide users with tools for instantly rephrasing certain words and options for contextual synonyms, translations or definitions – all of which can be very useful, even if English is your first language. In addition to providing these tools out-of-the-box, the company said its software can also learn a user’s writing style and modify suggestions and corrections to accommodate individual style. For the Windows app and Chrome extension, all you need to do is install the …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

Google’s Matt Cutts: Over Time Backlinks Will Become Less Important

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, said in a video that backlinks, over time, will become a little less important. Matt did say that backlinks in the Google ranking algorithm still have many years left in them. Matt explained that Google is focusing a lot now on working on ways to determine if a web page is meets the expectations of an expert user. They do this currently by looking at the links to the page, the reputation of the site and pages and the quality of the content on that particular page. When Google is better at understanding actual language, natural language, which you see with their conversational search efforts. Google will be better to understand expert user’s queries and match them better…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Google’s Matt Cutts: Over Time Backlinks Will Become Less Important

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