Tag: internet

How to Look at Your Website the Way Google Does

When you spend months or years on a website, not to mention thousands of dollars, it’s hard to step back and look at it objectively. Can you look at it through the eyes of your users? Can you look at it the way Google does? If you can look at your website the way Google does, you’ll probably discover areas in which your website needs work. So in that spirit, I’m going to teach you how you can see your website from Google’s perspective, and how you can then target the areas that need improvement. First, Google finds your website In order to see your website, Google needs to find it. When you create a website, Google will discover it eventually.

See original article here:

How to Look at Your Website the Way Google Does

Also published on Medium.

Accompli: A Perfect iOS Email App But We Wish it Wasn’t Free

I hate email. The team at The Next Web can attest to just how often I complain about email. Email is slow, cumbersome, often overwhelming and hard to deal with. There’s just so much of it. I’ve always been bad at email and despite great solutions like Mailbox existing, I’ve never found the perfect iOS email client. Up until recently, I’ve been using the built-in iOS email client to get mail from my four Gmail accounts, mostly because the Gmail app lacks a unified inbox (it’s also pretty slow) and Mailbox, while useful, lacks a desktop app (there’s a beta coming soon) which makes the workflow a little painful. Acompli, which was announced just a few days ago, set out …

See original article taken from here:

Accompli: a Perfect iOS Email App but We Wish it Wasn’t Free

A traveler’s guide to in-flight WiFi

You’re on a nice, long domestic flight. In coach. There’s a screaming baby two rows up; the pages of the in-flight magazine are stuck together with someone else’s chewing gum; and the 9-inch overhead CRT is showing a 2-year-old episode of New Girl that you’ve already seen a half-dozen times — without sound, because you always end up in the seat with a broken headphone jack. Oh, and you have five hours left to go to LAX. If you play your cards right (and pack some noise-canceling headphones), your next cross-country haul could be a whole lot more pleasant, thanks to in-flight WiFi. Nearly all of the major US airlines now offer WiFi in the sky. Thousands of passengers flying above North…

See original article taken from here:

A traveler’s guide to in-flight WiFi

This Chrome Add-on Lets You Copy & Erase Text Inside Any Image on the Web

What would you say if we told you that it’s possible to copy, translate, edit and even erase the text inside any image you find on the internet? Well, you can, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. All it requires is a new browser extension, called Project Naptha, made by developer Kevin Kwok. It uses a number of optical character recognition (OCR) algorithms, including libraries developed by Microsoft and Google, which quickly build a model of text regions, words and letters from nearly any image. Once installed, you simply hover your cursor over available image text and select it. Using its built-in tools, you can do a number of things: Firstly, you can copy your selection. This is great if you’ve been emailed…

See original article taken from here:

This Chrome add-on lets you copy and erase text inside any image on the web

Blogging from somewhere over the USA

I am on a Virgin America flight – right now – typing this blog entry via onboard wifi. Very cool. I am using GoToMyPC to access my office PC. My IP address is: Your IP: Near: Itasca, Illinois United States (this info is courtousey of DNSstuff.com). I am not able to use anything but pure HTTP and HTTPS. I tried to make an RDP connection but no go. Attempting to make an SSH connection into servers also failed. But I can most everything I need to do via what I have here. There is a standard power outlet at my seat, in coach, so I have all the power I need! Very cool.

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