On Episode 64 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with entrepreneur Greg Arnette, about new business technology and archiving for perpetuity.
Hacking the Future of Business!
On Episode 62 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking with entrepreneur Greg Arnette, about how growing up in technology influenced his life.
On Episode 25 of The Edge of Innovation, we’re talking about 7 ways to keep your site fresh.
Software patents aren’t dead, but they just took a blow. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that a series of banking patents didn’t cover a concrete software process but an abstract idea, throwing them out and potentially setting a stricter precedent for future patents. Alice Corp. and CLS Bank are both major financial institutions, and they’ve been sparring for years in court. The issue is a series of patents that cover a kind of electronic escrow or “intermediated settlement,” where a third party holds the real money while “shadow” balances are shown to both sides during trading. In order to preempt a threat from Alice, which held those patents, CLS asked for a court to declare them invalid, saying that the basic idea…
Original Article Can Be Found Here:
Supreme Court rules software patents that cover ‘abstract ideas’ are invalid
I’ve had millions of ideas in my day. Most of them are terrible, but I’ve always lived with the frustration of not being able to realize them beyond mere conception. Sure, I could tell them to people, put that’s just air. I could write them down or try sketching them out, but that’s just chicken-scratch. I want something tangible to hold in my hands; something that functions; something aesthetically pleasing; something I can let others interact with. I am not a coder, developer, or hacker. I don’t know much about business plans or startups. I consider myself an above average user of Microsoft Word, but I don’t think I’ve ever been able to connect to a printer without major …
Original Article Can Be Found Here:
Just a Prototype Away from Fame and Fortune: ProtoHack brings a shellfish delivery app to life
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