What is Markdown? How to Use Markdown in WordPress?

Recently one of our users asked us what is Markdown? They heard about it from a friend who used Ghost blogging platform. Markdown is a simple markup language that converts plain text into HTML. Think of it as a much simpler text editor. In this article, we will show you how to use Markdown in WordPress. What is Markdown? Markdown is a markup language which converts plain text into HTML code. It allows users to use special characters like asterisk, number sign, underscore and dashes in Markdown syntax instead of HTML. This Markdown Syntax is then automatically converted into HTML. For example: **This is bold text** The above text will be converted by Markdown into: <strong>This is bold text</strong> Markdown provides an efficient way …

This article:

What is Markdown? How to Use Markdown in WordPress?

Copy Codes from Websites Easily with SnappySnippet

As a web developer, we may occasionally find some inspiring elements on a website that makes you wonder how did they build that thing. Then, you’d think about getting a copy of that code. Chrome Devtools as well as Firebug of Firefox has actually shipped with the feature that makes it easy for us to copy HTML and CSS off a website. However, these tools work to copy only HTML or CSS; you can’t use these tools to copy the CSS related to the HTML element you selected. For example, let’s say you are selecting an HTML element containing a couple of child elements, as follows…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Copy Codes from Websites Easily with SnappySnippet

Also published on Medium.

Introduction to ARIA

A New Approach to an Old Problem In Introduction to Web Accessibility and Semantic HTML, we saw how to write HTML using the proper semantic elements and attributes in order to expose element semantics to Assistive Technology (AT). However, that is only a part of the problem. These semantic techniques do not provide solutions to the now common dynamic websites. Web content that is created or updated after the page is rendered can be an issue for accessibility. The World Wide Web Consortium’s (w3c) 1999 standard, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 addressed the issue of static content, the 2008 revision, WCAG 2.0 , includes guidelines and techniques that address dynamic content. Many common issues with dynamic content can be addressed by good coding practice. The WCAG 2.0 documentation includes many…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Introduction to ARIA

Dynamically Filtering Layouts with Isotope and Bootstrap

I’m sure pretty much anyone who makes websites has stumbled upon jQuery Masonry at some point or other. Some people haven’t though, so here’s what Masonry is – it’s a fantastic plugin by David DeSandro that allows for extremely creative layouts. You specify which HTML element for Masonry to do its magic on, and the children of that element are all positioned the way a mason positions stones. Now, while Masonry is absolutely fantastic, it is lacking a few features. One of the biggest is the fact that it is not possible to dynamically filter elements by class name.

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Dynamically Filtering Layouts with Isotope and Bootstrap

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