Tag: Google

What Would Happen If Google Really Did Kill Google+?

Rumors are that Google might be planning to kill Google+ or at least put it into a Walking Dead-like zombie mode, as TechCrunch characterizes it and something Google denies. There are some good reasons for Google to do this, and potentially, it could allow Google to better fight on the new social battlefield, that of single-purpose social apps. Let’s play out the scenario to imagine what might happen. The Rumor: Killing Google+ For the essential background, be sure to read Google+ Is Walking Dead from TechCrunch, which describes a move to drop Google+ as a product but keep the platform side still going: What we’re hearing from multiple sources is that Google+ will no longer be considered a product, but a…

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What Would Happen If Google Really Did Kill Google+?

SEO Today – A Brief Overview Infographic

What do penguins, pandas and hummingbirds remind you of? If you own a blog or a website, these are the “animal” updates to Google’s algorithm that help mold the state of content you see online today. So much can be said in regards to SEO that you’d probably be able to fill countless books with the information available. IDF Marketing has produced an infographic that touches briefly on the ever-evolving state of SEO today. Check out the influence On Site Factors, the strength of your Content, Outreach and Social Signals have on your site’s SEO. Should you go with video instead of articles? What about infographics instead of blog posts to secure high ranking and/or higher traffic? Find out about this and…

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SEO Today – A Brief Overview Infographic

Google’s Revamped Gmail Could Take Encryption Mainstream

Illustration: WIRED Encryption is the best way to protect your online communications from the prying eyes of the National Security Agency. So says NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The rub is that email encryption systems like PGP – short for Pretty Good Privacy – are a real pain for people to use, especially if they’re not steeped in the minutiae of computing. That means few people use PGP, and those who do are in danger of using it incorrectly. But it looks like Google is trying to change that. According to Venture Beat, the search giant working to create a new version of Gmail that makes PGP encryption far easier to use. Google didn’t respond to our request for comment on the story, and even if …

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Google’s Revamped Gmail Could Take Encryption Mainstream

This Chrome Add-on Lets You Copy & Erase Text Inside Any Image on the Web

What would you say if we told you that it’s possible to copy, translate, edit and even erase the text inside any image you find on the internet? Well, you can, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. All it requires is a new browser extension, called Project Naptha, made by developer Kevin Kwok. It uses a number of optical character recognition (OCR) algorithms, including libraries developed by Microsoft and Google, which quickly build a model of text regions, words and letters from nearly any image. Once installed, you simply hover your cursor over available image text and select it. Using its built-in tools, you can do a number of things: Firstly, you can copy your selection. This is great if you’ve been emailed…

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This Chrome add-on lets you copy and erase text inside any image on the web

SearchCap: Recapping Google’s “Step Inside AdWords” News Event

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Search Marketers: Keep Calm, Carry On Everybody loves progress, but nobody likes change. This adage is particularly true any time Google announces major upgrades to AdWords. If recent comments on Twitter are any indication, Google this morning was gearing up to pull your hair, throw sand in your face and take your lunch money. None of this is true. The Sky Is – SMX Advanced Early Bird Rates Expire Next Week. Register Now & Save! Fluent in search marketing? SMX Advanced is for you. Join us, June 11-12 in Seattle for two days of expert-only sessions, keynotes and the highest-level networking…

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SearchCap: Recapping Google’s “Step Inside AdWords” News Event

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