Tag: engineering

Homemade Speakers

I had the awesome opportunity of taking the EE423 Speaker Design class offered at USC while I was going to school there. The class is taught by engineers from JBL, with some help from people like Tom Holman (the TH in THX guy!), who happens to be a researcher at USC. I learned a lot about speaker design, and ended up with a pretty awesome pair of bookshelf monitor speakers. The speakers use Vifa TC14SG49-04 5.5″ midwoofers and Peerless 53 NDT Neodymium 1″ tweeters. The inital boxes were prototyped in cardboard. Despite looking absolutely terrible, using 3 layers of sandwiched cardboard actually works extremely well in terms of audio response. Here you can see a diagram showing the 200-10 khz response (tweeter is thin line, midwoofer is thicker…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Homemade Speakers

Dean Kamen Thinks His New Stirling Engine Could Power The World

For the new issue of Forbes Magazine I wrote an article about David Crane, the visionary CEO of NRG Energy. When I met Crane for lunch a couple weeks ago, no sooner had we sat down than he began singing the praises of this new contraption he had in his basement. The machine — which can generate 10 kilowatts of continuous power, fed by Crane’s natural gas line, is a new iteration of an old creation, the Stirling engine. This version, called the Beacon 10, was created after a decade of engineering by famed inventor Dean Kamen. I caught up with Kamen (who is best known for creating the Segway scooter) over the phone last week to ask him about the device. We’ve turned his …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Dean Kamen Thinks His New Stirling Engine Could Power The World

Microsoft Brings Penny Arcade Artist To An Engineering Team To Work Out Surface Pro 3 Issues

Microsoft is gearing up to begin shipping its Surface Pro 3 tablet, and many have already had a chance to test out the latest in tablet/laptop hybrids. One early tester is Penny Arcade’s Mike Krahulik (aka Gabe) who was a huge fan of the Surface Pro 2, because with the stylus, it was an awesome digital artist tool for hand-drawn creations. Gabe wasn’t so impressed with the Surface Pro 3. He said it introduced some lag into the equation for menu navigation and drawing (I’ve tried it myself and I found the same thing), and which put the home button in a new, much more inconvenient location. Microsoft took this feedback to heart, so much so that they brought Gabe in to provide feedback …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Microsoft Brings Penny Arcade Artist To An Engineering Team To Work Out Surface Pro 3 Issues

iRET iOS Reverse Engineering Toolkit

iRET is an open source tool that you can use to analyze and evaluate iOS applications. The toolkit includes the following features: Binary Analysis where you can check the binary encryption , architecture of the application and if it has stack-smashing protection enabled. Keychain Analysis this to analyze the keychain contents, including passwords, keys, certificates or any sensitive information in the app. Database Analysis this to display all Databases within the application and also the content of the database. Log Viewer to find out all logs stored in the syslog and display logs of the application. Plist Viewer will list the files within the application and makes it easy for user to have the property of each file. Display the application screenshot you are investigating. iRET interface…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

iRET – iOS Reverse Engineering Toolkit

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