Tag: email

Ideas Behind Responsive Emails

Say you’ve designed an HTML email with 3 columns. Because of limited and weird CSS support in email clients, email design is done with tables. That 3 column design looks great on large-ish screens, but it squishes awkwardly on small screens. Theoretically a media query would save us here, but as we can’t even count on floats we sure can’t count on those. There is still a way though. In this article, I’m just going to poke at some ideas around responsive email. These are not robust, production-ready ideas, I just thought it was fun to think about. It was inspired by listening to Fabio Carneiro speak recently. Fabio works for MailChimp doing all this hardcore email layout wrangling and shared some of the ideas behind responsive …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Ideas Behind Responsive Emails

From Gmail to Fastmail

Email is crucial to me, I can’t even remember the last day I didn’t check my inbox. It’s my preferred channel for communicating and interacting with other people “electronically”. Like many developers I also use emails to keep track of the activity of all the projects I contribute to. I also receive all sorts of emails from machines, sometime server alerts or even from my Arduino powered home automation. Finding a good email provider is a hard task. You need a company you can trust to receive, manage and deliver all your emails especially when you have more than 80k+ emails in total (like I do). In this article I’m going to do a quick overview of the reasons I chose Fastmail …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

From Gmail to Fastmail

Accompli: A Perfect iOS Email App But We Wish it Wasn’t Free

I hate email. The team at The Next Web can attest to just how often I complain about email. Email is slow, cumbersome, often overwhelming and hard to deal with. There’s just so much of it. I’ve always been bad at email and despite great solutions like Mailbox existing, I’ve never found the perfect iOS email client. Up until recently, I’ve been using the built-in iOS email client to get mail from my four Gmail accounts, mostly because the Gmail app lacks a unified inbox (it’s also pretty slow) and Mailbox, while useful, lacks a desktop app (there’s a beta coming soon) which makes the workflow a little painful. Acompli, which was announced just a few days ago, set out …

See original article taken from here:

Accompli: a Perfect iOS Email App but We Wish it Wasn’t Free

Google Introduces Google Trends Email Alerts, Trending Topics and Hot Searches Delivered To Your Inbox

Google announced today they will be rolling out the ability for users to have popular topics from Google Trends and Hot Searches delivered via email. This new feature will work in a very similar way to how Google Alerts currently works. You will be able to subscribe to a particular topic and receive a notification if there is an increase in search volume around that topic. Currently, Google allows you to subscribe to any search topic, Hot Searches for any country, or any U.S. monthly Top Chart. You will also be able to subscribe to notifications about trending topics by location. For example, if you want to stay up to date about trends and popular searches in your local area, you can set up an email …

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Google Introduces Google Trends Email Alerts, Trending Topics and Hot Searches Delivered To Your Inbox

SearchCap: New Google Penalty, Action Schema & Subscribe To Google Trends

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Slaps Another Guest Blog Network: PostJointGoogle’s Matt Cutts somewhat confirmed on Twitter that Google has taken action on another guest blogging network. This network is named PostJoint and claims there’s no footprints. Someone tweeted to Matt that PostJoint was penalized. In fact, if you check out Google for a search on their name, their web site no longer ranks on … Google Trends Now Lets Users Subscribe To Receive Email NotificationsGoogle Trends announced today it has added a “Subscribe” feature, allowing users to receive email notifications on search topics, Hot Searches for any country, or any…

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SearchCap: New Google Penalty, Action Schema & Subscribe To Google Trends

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