Tag: CSS3

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

May 21 2014 By Ioanni Mitsakis Posted in CSS3 Advertisement

It is almost a year ago, that Christian Pucci from Italy introduced his stylesheet-project Magic.css. Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects. Last year, Christian, better known as miniMac, had only a handful of effects to show. Up until today, this number has grown to 55. All the effects come in a single stylesheet, prefixed for all modern browsers. Magic.css is published under the terms of the MIT license, and can be used freely. Magic.css: Lots of Motion on Your Website CSS3 animations are coming, but not really there yet. Only a few days ago, we introduced you to a comprehensive beginners’ pocket guide to CSS3 animations. Consider reading it, if you want …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

Also published on Medium.

Create a Responsive CSS3 Paper Fold Effect

Tweet Author: Steve Jenkins 24th April 2014 Create a responsive CSS3 paper fold effect embedded content Make use of CSS3 features such as box-shadows and background gradients to create this engaging effect. There are so many remarkable and exciting things that we designers can achieve on the web today, whether it’s using the pillars of the web HTML5, CSS3 and good old jQuery, or more modern frameworks and technologies, development just never seems to ease up. Better yet, there are sure to be even more remarkable and exciting things to look forward to experimenting with in the near future. Still, even among all of these great technologies, it is worth remembering that we must also make use of the more subtle elements available to us, even…

See original article taken from here:

Create a responsive CSS3 paper fold effect

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