May 21 2014 By Ioanni Mitsakis Posted in CSS3 Advertisement
It is almost a year ago, that Christian Pucci from Italy introduced his stylesheet-project Magic.css. Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects. Last year, Christian, better known as miniMac, had only a handful of effects to show. Up until today, this number has grown to 55. All the effects come in a single stylesheet, prefixed for all modern browsers. Magic.css is published under the terms of the MIT license, and can be used freely. Magic.css: Lots of Motion on Your Website CSS3 animations are coming, but not really there yet. Only a few days ago, we introduced you to a comprehensive beginners’ pocket guide to CSS3 animations. Consider reading it, if you want …
Original Article Can Be Found Here:
Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids
Also published on Medium.