Tag: business

My Kingdom for a Font!

Today on the Edge of Innovation, we look at the history of typography and the effect of changing technology on graphic design.

Show Notes

A One-Man Font Shop
The Coolest Font of the Year?
The Feds are Killing Off Clearview
A Font Made Exclusively for Coding



The Subtleties of Metrics and Spacing
Automatic Correction
Comic Sans, Roman, Tekton, Caslon
Powerful Programs for Typography
The Helvetica Documentary
Fonts Send a Message
The Importance of Typography

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How to Use KISSmetrics to Improve an E-commerce Checkout Funnel

One of the great things about KISSmetrics is that it helps you continually optimize your business. From revenue reports that tell you which ad campaigns bring the most customers to cohort reports that track critical metrics like login retention over time to many other insight-driven reports, KISSmetrics delivers pretty awesome tools for any marketer or manager. We couldn’t possibly cover all the benefits of KISSmetrics in one post. We would have to write a book. So, in this post, we’ll concentrate on one key feature of KISSmetrics – the funnel report. Specifically, we’ll focus on improving your e-commerce funnel. We’ll begin by viewing a funnel report and finding areas that need improvement. Then, we’ll form a hypothesis setting out changes …

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How to Use KISSmetrics to Improve an E-commerce Checkout Funnel

Announcing Keyless SSLâ„¢: All the Benefits of CloudFlare Without Having to Turn Over Your Private SSL Keys

CloudFlare is an engineering-driven company. This is a story we’re proud of because it embodies the essence of who we are: when faced with a problem, we found a novel solution. Technical details to follow but, until then, welcome to the no hardware world. (Update: The post with the technical details is now online.) Fall in San Francisco The story begins on a Saturday morning, in the Fall of 2012, almost exactly two years ago. I got a call on my cell phone that woke me. It was a man who introduced himself as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at one of the world’s largest banks. “I got your number from a reporter,” he said. “We have an incident. Could you and some of…

Read article here:

Announcing Keyless SSLâ„¢: All the Benefits of CloudFlare Without Having to Turn Over Your Private SSL Keys

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