Tag: books

Letter Fountain – A stunningly well-crafted bible…

Letter Fountain – A stunningly well-crafted bible of typographyLetter Fountainby Joep PohlenTaschen2011

In one thick, magnificently printed volume we get a whole course on typography. The back of this 638-page book contains a roundup of the major font families and what makes them special with plenty of printed examples. The front of the book is the best orientation to the logic of fonts that I’ve seen. There may be better books about using the art of typography on a page, but this is the master on the subtleties and dynamics of different fonts. Watch how adding or subtracting serifs changes the emotion of the page. Why are some letters thinner or longer? This book’s knowledge…

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Letter Fountain – A stunningly well-crafted bible…

Pressing The Button

The Mytro Project is almost over. Over the past few months I’ve been writing about my experience crowdfunding and self-publishing a YA fantasy book called Mytro. After running an Indiegogo campaign and coming out with almost $20,000, I’m at the point where I have to start delivering books. When I started writing Mytro I wanted to go the traditional publishing route. I sent it to two agents who, I presume, didn’t trust it to sell enough units and, for all I know, they could still be right. However, I didn’t listen to them and so far I’ve been successful. Here’s what I did to prepare the book over the past few months. I started by rereading what I had written …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Pressing The Button

Lost Horizon Introduces The World To Shangri-La

In these days of wars and rumors of wars, haven’t you ever dreamed of a place where there was peace and security, where living was not a struggle but a lasting delight?” Good question, easy answer: Duh. Yes. Yes now, in 2014, and yes in 1937, when those words opened up Lost Horizon, Frank Capra’s big screen contemplation of what happens when regular folks are given the opportunity to live forever in a kind of heaven that exists here on earth. embedded contentThe film is an adaptation of James Hilton’s eponymous 1933 novel, which – fun fact – is Pocket Book #1, and thus often cited as the first mass-market American paperback. The story follows a quintet of Westerners, rounded up by dashing diplomat Bob Conway, who barely escape a …

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Lost Horizon Introduces The World To Shangri-La

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