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Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

Ginger Software, an Isreali startup that focuses on language enhancement software, has released mobile, Windows and Web apps designed to make it easier to write English correctly. Available today, the Chrome extension, desktop download and mobile apps (Android and iOS) go beyond in-line spell checking to provide users with tools for instantly rephrasing certain words and options for contextual synonyms, translations or definitions – all of which can be very useful, even if English is your first language. In addition to providing these tools out-of-the-box, the company said its software can also learn a user’s writing style and modify suggestions and corrections to accommodate individual style. For the Windows app and Chrome extension, all you need to do is install the …

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Ginger Page Wants to Improve Your Written English

A Platform and Blogging Tool, Medium Charms Writers –

Evan Williams is at it again. Mr. Williams is sitting in an office here a mile up the road from Twitter, where he is a founder and is still a board member, working on Medium, an amorphous-sounding company that could be one more curio of the Internet age or might end up taking over the world. It’shard to tell from talking to Mr. Williams. He is plenty thoughtful, but unlike so many other people I spent time with in San Francisco last week, he’s not a big talker. He loves text, he loves code and he loves typing.When he stepped aside as chief executive of Twitter in 2010, Mr. Williams wanted to get back into blogging and found the tools …

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A Platform and Blogging Tool, Medium Charms Writers –

Scoop: A Glimpse Into the NYTimes CMS

You know the importance of technology to the future of journalism has become a widely accepted fact when a prominent editor decides to join a new company because of its content management system. That’s what Ezra Klein told The New York Times about his decision to leave The Washington Post for Vox Media, a digital publisher with a fancy, custom-built CMS. Klein couldn’t quite describe what made the Vox system so special, but the fact that a journalist said he loved, let alone even tolerated, his CMS was all you needed to know that the world has changed. Suddenly, the CMS, an often derided but necessary tool of modern journalism, is cool. Vox uses its CMS as a recruiting tool. Google is not-so…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Scoop: A Glimpse Into the NYTimes CMS –

Tim Ferriss Uses This Simple Productivity Hack To Organize His Days

Countess Entrepreneur, author, and speaker Tim Ferriss. Tim Ferriss, a well-known entrepreneur and the author of “The 4-Hour Workweek,” says some people think he’s got his life all figured out because he’s always sharing good advice. But he insists that he’s got plenty of bad habits, too, including continually hitting his alarm’s snooze button because he’s afraid of facing the day. Ferriss has, however, found a better way to start your day. He explains it in a new podcast, “Productivity Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me).” The solution is a simple productivity hack: Before starting your day, get a piece of paper and write down three to five things that are causing you the most stress. “They’re often…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Tim Ferriss Uses This Simple Productivity Hack To Organize His Days

How to Anonymize Everything You Do Online

One year after the first revelations of Edward Snowden, cryptography has shifted from an obscure branch of computer science to an almost mainstream notion: It’s possible, user privacy groups and a growing industry of crypto-focused companies tell us, to encrypt everything from emails to IMs to a gif of a motorcycle jumping over a plane. But it’s also possible to go a step closer toward true privacy online. Mere encryption hides the content of messages, but not who’s communicating. Use cryptographic anonymity tools to hide your identity, on the other hand, and network eavesdroppers may not even know where to find your communications, let alone snoop on them….

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How to Anonymize Everything You Do Online

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