Category: Technology

How to improve InnoDB Performance by 55%

During April’s Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2014, I attended a talk on MySQL 5.7 performance an scalability given by Dimitri Kravtchuk, the Oracle MySQL benchmark specialist. He mentioned at some point that the InnoDB double write buffer was a real performance killer. For the ones that don’t know what the innodb double write buffer is, it is a disk buffer were pages are written before being written to the actual data file. Upon restart, pages in the double write buffer are rewritten to their data files if complete. This is to avoid data file corruption with half written pages. I knew it has an impact on performance, on ZFS since it is transactional I always disable it, but I never realized how important the performance …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How to improve InnoDB performance by 55%

How to Add a Color Tinted Full Width Google Map in WordPress

How to Add a Color Tinted Full Width Google Map in WordPress By Henry Jones / May 21, 2014 /

Tutorials shares A Google Map is a great feature to include on a “Contacts” or “About” page. It adds a layer of interactivity and allows your visitors to quickly see where you or your business is located.

However, if you really want your design to standout, simply embedding a standard Google Map won’t cut it. So in this short tutorial, I’m going to show you how to easily make a Google Map look more integrated with your branding and website. We used this technique in our Hayden WordPress theme and you can easily see there is a world of difference between this approach and a standard map…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How to Add a Color Tinted Full Width Google Map in WordPress

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

May 21 2014 By Ioanni Mitsakis Posted in CSS3 Advertisement

It is almost a year ago, that Christian Pucci from Italy introduced his stylesheet-project Magic.css. Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects. Last year, Christian, better known as miniMac, had only a handful of effects to show. Up until today, this number has grown to 55. All the effects come in a single stylesheet, prefixed for all modern browsers. Magic.css is published under the terms of the MIT license, and can be used freely. Magic.css: Lots of Motion on Your Website CSS3 animations are coming, but not really there yet. Only a few days ago, we introduced you to a comprehensive beginners’ pocket guide to CSS3 animations. Consider reading it, if you want …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids

Panda 4.0’s Big Loser Is eBay: Winners & Losers Chart

Yesterday, Google began rolling out their Panda 4.0 update designed to punch low-quality content. That’s generated both “winners” who have moved up in rankings as “losers” have dropped down, and eBay might be one of the big losers. Searchmetrics gave us their initial winners and loser charts, based on rankings they continually monitor. These show that one of the biggest losers was eBay. According to the data, eBay lost a tremendous amount of traffic from Google, much of it from the area of its site. Another huge loser was, yes, the search engine, that lost a tremendous amount of traffic in their Questions section at The Losers:, eBay,…..

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Panda 4.0’s Big Loser Is eBay: Winners & Losers Chart

20+ Best WordPress Plugins You Should Have

WordPress is one of the best Content Management System in the whole world. WordPress is a great open-source CMS that promotes its users to innovate something new. But it was a time when it started hard to keep up for with those innovations and that is when the WordPress Plugin Repository was created. The repository is a place where you can find all the WordPress plugins you want. These WP plugins are gathered together and shared with the huge community of users around the globe. But more than that, it is a place wherever developers will head to see what’s already out there, what they’ll base their new work on, and what needs to be improved. additionally to end-user utilities that anyone will download for…

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20+ Best WordPress Plugins You Should Have

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