Category: Technology

“VB Universal Windows App” series

This past week Lucian Wischik, who is great presenter if you ever get the chance to see him at a conference, released an awesome series on creating Universal Apps with one of my favorite programming languages, the Rodney Dangerfield of languages, Visual Basic.NET. No, lets not start a language comment war, please Here are download links for the “VB Universal Windows App” series: … Recently in April 2014, Microsoft announced Universal Windows Apps. I thought I’d take an old Silverlight paddle game and turn it into a VB Universal Windows App. Here’s how the finished game looks, on devices and in the stores: What is a Universal Windows App? A “universal Windows app” is a great end-user experience. It means the user of your app can buy …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

“VB Universal Windows App” series

Improved default settings for Linux machines : @AlTobey Writes

I get asked about my default settings for Linux fairly frequently and was writing this in an email and decided to post it for broader use. If you have better recommendations, by all means please send me a pull request. The Edit button at the top of this page will get you there. There are a couple groups of settings below. Most of the settings below should end up in /etc/sysctl.conf or /etc/sysctl.d/filename.conf (depending on your distro). They can be applied immediately with sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/filename.conf. I’ve applied most of these to hundreds of machines and never had an issue. That said, test in non-production first! I run the same settings across pretty much every …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Improved default settings for Linux machines : @AlTobey Writes

Tutorial Tuesday: How To Change Hair Color in Photoshop

June 24, 2014

Today, YouTheDesigner is going to show you how to change hair color in Photoshop. This is a pretty basic technique that uses some basic digital painting elements and uses some masking techniques. It’s fairly simple and easy to follow for even just beginners! What we’re trying to do is to turn the top image into the bottom image. Let’s get started! STEP 01: OPEN YOUR DOCUMENT We took a fashion stock photo courtesy of Shutterstock and opened it up in Adobe Photoshop. Make sure you use a photo with good lighting and and decent resolution so you can build up better quality results. STEP 02: Get the colors! We basically create a new adjustment layer by going to…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

Tutorial Tuesday – How To Change Hair Color in Photoshop

10 Free CAD Software You Can Download

CAD software is a must-have tool to have in most enterprises to reduce fatal flaws in design that may show up during production. If you’re in the industry that relies a lot on CAD tools, you probably already know that getting a good CAD software can be quite costly. And if you are a student who is just starting to dip your toes into CAD software, this will definitely be a problem. There is however a second option: free alternative CAD software. We have done the legwork and looked for the 10 CAD software that you can try for free now to design your next 2D drawing or 3D modeling project. Here are but just 10 of these software, and the links to download them for whichever …

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

10 Free CAD Software You Can Download

How WordPress Could Power the New York Times

Last week, the New York Times gave us an inside look at their custom CMS, Scoop. Though a few NYTimes blogs run on WordPress, the main site is managed by a fairly massive custom effort. It got me thinking about how far WordPress has come in terms of managing complex websites and applications, and all of the work that still needs to be done. Data Management One of the major advantages of Scoop was its ability to store content and data in meaningful ways. This includes the basics like a robust tagging hierarchy but also the ability to store all of the drafts of every post. This allows the NYTimes editors to output their content however they want, from arranging post drafts like Microsoft Word’s…

Original Article Can Be Found Here:

How WordPress Could Power the New York Times

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